Setting Up a User as a Standard User on a Chromebook

Chromebooks are designed to be simple and easy to use, but that doesn’t mean you can’t customize them to your needs. One way to do this is by setting up a user as a standard user on your Chromebook. This is useful if you want to create separate accounts for family members, roommates, or guests who will be using your Chromebook. Here are the steps to set up a user as a standard user on a Chromebook.

Step 1: Open the Chrome browser

The first step is to open the Chrome browser on your Chromebook. You can do this by clicking on the Chrome icon in the launcher or by pressing the search key and typing “chrome.”

Step 2: Click on the user icon

Once you have the Chrome browser open, look in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You should see a small icon that represents your user account. Click on this icon to open the user menu.

Step 3: Click on “Manage People”

In the user menu, click on the “Manage People” option. This will take you to the Chrome OS settings page.

Step 4: Add a new user

On the Chrome OS settings page, you will see a section labeled “People.” Click on the “Add person” button to create a new user.

Step 5: Choose “Standard” user type

When you create a new user, you will be asked to choose the user type. Select “Standard” to create a new user as a standard user. You can also choose a name and a profile picture for the new user.

Step 6: Customize user settings

Once you have created the new user, you can customize their settings. For example, you can set a password, enable or disable guest browsing, and manage their access to Google services.

Step 7: Switch to the new user account

To switch to the new user account, click on the user icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen again. You should see the new user account listed in the menu. Click on the user account to switch to it.

That’s it! You have successfully set up a user as a standard user on your Chromebook. Repeat these steps to create additional user accounts as needed. Each user will have their own profile and settings, making it easy for multiple people to use your Chromebook without interfering with each other’s data or preferences.